Nos obsèques
Donating your body to science is a magnificent altruistic gesture. Not only will this donation enable research to continue making progress, it will also help our future doctors in Belgium to study and understand the human body.
To donate your body, you must express your wishes clearly and unequivocally in a handwritten, dated and signed document. This document must be sent in duplicate, one copy to be kept for the donor and the other to be sent to the belgian University of the donor’s choice (ULB – UCL – Ulg – UMH – UNamur).
To donate his or her body, the person must express his or her wishes clearly and unequivocally in a handwritten, dated and signed document. This document must be sent in duplicate, one copy to be kept for the donor and the other to be sent to the Anatomy Department of the Belgian University of the donor’s choice.
As a funeral service, we will give you a quote for the administrative procedures involved in donating your body and transferring it to the university, i.e. everything we will do immediately after your death, and a quote for the burial or cremation that will take place once the university has completed its research and work (universities do not keep the deceased forever).
We have a telephone line dedicated to questions about donating a body in Belgium : 02 486 76 74
We are here for you to facilitate difficult times.
You only need to complete the form and a counselor will contact you.